2014-08-18 03:08:14 -0400
ASCII text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators
Bytes: 80305 (~ 78.42 KiB)
MD5: 08b7d204dd7e4cfbfe1ce562c8e458f4
SHA1: ed446f7bb47349fcd64ac614c9db0c2cf05dc9c0
Hexdump of first 128 bytes
0000000: 2f2f 6a71 7565 7279 2e31 2e34 2e32 2d6d //jquery.1.4.2-m
0000010: 696e 2e6a 7320 0d0a 2866 756e 6374 696f in.js ..(functio
0000020: 6e28 702c 6a29 7b66 756e 6374 696f 6e20 n(p,j){function
0000030: 7528 297b 6966 2821 632e 6973 5265 6164 u(){if(!c.isRead
0000040: 7929 7b74 7279 7b76 2e64 6f63 756d 656e y){try{v.documen
0000050: 7445 6c65 6d65 6e74 2e64 6f53 6372 6f6c tElement.doScrol
0000060: 6c28 226c 6566 7422 297d 6361 7463 6828 l("left")}catch(
0000070: 6129 7b73 6574 5469 6d65 6f75 7428 752c a){setTimeout(u,Hexdump of last 128 bytes
0013931: 3b4e 2e72 656d 6f76 6528 293b 6f2e 656e ;N.remove();o.en
0013941: 6861 6e63 656d 656e 7428 4c29 3b66 6f72 hancement(L);for
0013951: 2847 3d30 3b47 3c52 2e6c 656e 6774 683b (G=0;G<R.length;
0013961: 472b 2b29 525b 475d 2e65 6c65 6d65 6e74 G++)R[G].element
0013971: 2e61 6e69 6d61 7465 2852 5b47 5d2e 616e .animate(R[G].an
0013981: 696d 6174 696f 6e2c 6f2e 6475 7261 7469 imation,o.durati
0013991: 6f6e 2c6f 2e65 6173 696e 672c 6f61 297d on,o.easing,oa)}
00139a1: 7d29 7d7d 2928 6a51 7565 7279 293b 0d0a })}})(jQuery);..
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